Calling all eating disorder professionals! We would like to invite you to participate in an anonymous study on "hot topics" within the field of eating disorders.
We are looking for multidisciplinary clinicians, who have treatment or research experience with eating disorders, to share their opinions on these topics.
We will be exploring the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of "severe and enduring anorexia", end of life treatment for "terminal anorexia", the concept of "food addiction", and weight bias.
We aim to not only gather your opinion on these hot topics, but to also evaluate any differences in clinician perspectives, based on discipline, years of specialized training, and lived experiences. It should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete the study. To participate you must be at least 18 years old. By participating you will not only be contributing to advancements in the field, but you may also gain some additional insights into these highly contested topics.
If you have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator Dr. Rebecca Boswell at
You can find the study link here:
We appreciate you taking the time to read this! Please feel free to share this with other eligible professionals.
**This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee**
Rebecca Boswell, PhD
Director, Princeton Center for Eating Disorders
Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center