Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships

Scholarships and Grants

scholarship for Clinicians and researchers under-represented within the aed

The AED Scholarship Fund supports up to four (4) travel scholarships for professionals (e.g., researchers, clinicians) who are currently under-represented in the AED to attend an in-person International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED). Scholarship funds will be distributed to awardees at least 90 days prior to the first day of the conference.

If the ICED is a fully-virtual event with no in-person attendance options, awardees will only receive complimentary registration to the conference, including any optional sessions or options which require payment.

AED is a global organization that seeks to draw a diversity of voices into scientific discourse at our annual conference. We welcome any individual who identifies as coming from an under-represented and/or marginalized background (either within the AED itself, or within their home country) to apply for this award. Examples include, but are not limited to, those minoritized by race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or disability status. Colleagues applying from the United States who meet the National Institute of Health (NIH) definition of under-represented minority are encouraged to apply: https://diversity.nih.gov/about-us/population-underrepresented. Furthermore, based on current membership data, geographical regions under-represented within the AED include Latin America, Asia, and Africa, so individuals residing in these regions are especially encouraged to apply.


  • Applicants must be current AED members.
  • Applicants must be professionals (e.g., researchers, clinicians) with interest or involvement in the field of eating and related disorders.
  • Individuals who have received this award more than once, or in the prior year, are not eligible.
  • Although individuals who have received this award once are eligible, preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a travel fellowship.

Application Materials:

  • Personal Statement: Please describe your research and/or clinical interests in the field of eating disorders, your career goals, and how the scholarship will further these goals.
  • Under-Represented Status: Include a brief statement (50 words or less) explaining how you qualify as under-represented within the AED or within your home country.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Please include a current curriculum vitae including academic degrees, appointments, recent employment history, teaching activities, clinical activities, community activities, references for any publications or presentations at eating disorder conferences, meetings, or seminars.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Please arrange for two (2) letters from professional associates that address your suitability for this award.
  • ICED Abstracts: If you submitted an abstract for the next International Conference on Eating Disorders, please include an electronic copy of that abstract.

Application Review Process:

  • Applications will be reviewed by the AED Awards and Scientific Review Committee.
  • All applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible after the call closes.

Student/Early Career Investigator/clinical trainee Travel scholarship

The AED Scholarship Fund supports up to six (6) travel scholarships for students, early career investigators, and clinical trainees to attend an in-person International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED). Scholarship funds will be distributed to awardees at least 90 days prior to the first day of the conference.

If the ICED is a fully-virtual event with no in-person attendance options, awardees will receive complimentary registration to the conference, including any optional sessions or options which require payment.

AED is a global organization that seeks to draw a diversity of voices into scientific discourse at our annual conference. We welcome any individual who identifies as coming from an under-represented and/or marginalized background (either within the AED itself, or within their home country) to apply for this award. Examples include, but are not limited to, those minoritized by race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or disability status. Colleagues applying from the United States who meet the National Institute of Health (NIH) definition of under-represented minority are encouraged to apply. Furthermore, based on current membership data, geographical regions under-represented within the AED include Latin America, Asia, and Africa, so individuals residing in these regions are especially encouraged to apply.


  • Applicants must be current AED members.
  • Applicants must be full-time students in a degree program, including physicians-in-training with interest or involvement in the field of eating and related disorders, or fewer than three (3) years post-training. 
  • Successful candidates will have a demonstrated interest in research or clinical work in eating disorders.
  • Individuals who have received this award more than once, or in the prior year, are not eligible.
  • Although individuals who have received this award once are eligible, preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a travel scholarship.

Application Materials:

  • Personal Statement: Please include a brief statement describing your research and/or clinical interests in the field of eating disorders, your career goals, and how the scholarship will further these goals.
  • Under-Represented Status: Those candidates coming from an under-represented and/or marginalized background (either within the AED itself, or within their home country) should include a brief statement (50 words or less) explaining how you qualify as under-represented within the AED or within your home country.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Please include a current curriculum vitae including academic degrees, appointments, recent employment history, teaching activities, clinical activities, community activities, references for any publications or presentations at eating disorder conferences, meetings, or seminars.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Please include two letters of recommendation from a faculty member from your institution or the eating disorders field. This letter should be no longer than 500 words in the length and should address the importance of nominee's suitability for the scholarship. One of these letters must come from your primary mentor. 
  • ICED Abstracts: If you submitted an abstract for the next International Conference on Eating Disorders, please include an electronic copy of that abstract.
  • Documentation of Status: Please include one of the following:
    • Documentation of current training status as an undergraduate student, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, resident or clinical trainee in a field of study of relevance to the understanding or treatment/prevention of eating disorders (student ID card or letter from supervisor), OR
    • Description of your academic appointment no more than three (3) years post training

Application Review Process:

  • Applications will be reviewed by the AED Awards and Scientific Review Committee.
  • All applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible after the call closes.


    AED annually awards up to four (4) travel and registration scholarships limited to people from countries defined below to attend in-person International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED). Scholarship funds will be distributed to awardees at least 90 days prior to the first day of the conference.

    If the ICED is a fully-virtual event with no in-person attendance options, awardees will receive complimentary registration to the conference, including any optional sessions or options which require payment.


    • Applicants must be from a country classified as Low/Lower Middle/Upper Middle Income by the World Bank, or from a country underrepresented in AED.
    • Please note that AED membership is NOT required for this award. 
    • Individuals who have received this scholarship more than once, or in the prior year, are not eligible.

    Application Materials:

    • Personal Statement: In two pages or less, please tell us about yourself, including your professional interests and your current work in eating disorders. In addition, please describe the financial or political situation in your country that makes it difficult to travel to the annual conference, and please describe a clear plan for how you are planning to disseminate knowledge/skills learned at the conference. 
    • Curriculum Vitae: Please include all academic degrees, appointments/employment history, teaching activities, community activities, and references for any publications or presentations at scientific meetings.
    • Letters of Recommendation: Please arrange for two (2) letters from professional associates that address your suitability for this award.
    • ICED Abstracts: If you submitted an abstract for the next International Conference on Eating Disorders, please include an electronic copy of that abstract.

    Application Process:

    • Applications will be reviewed by the AED Awards and Scientific Review Committee
    • All applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible after the call closes.

    Student Research Grants

    The purpose of the AED Student Research Grant Program is to support innovative and cutting-edge research conducted by student members of the AED. Each year AED will award up to two grants of $1,000 each to support any aspect of a student research project, including (but not limited to) participant payments, support staff salaries, and costs related to study assessments and/or database management. However, funds may NOT be used for travel or salary/stipend support for the awardee. 

    Awardees will be honored during the Annual Business Meeting/Awards Ceremony at the International Conference on Eating Disorders. Awardees are encouraged (but not required) to attend the Annual Business Meeting. Awardees will be required to acknowledge the award in presentations and publications emanating from the research and to provide yearly updates to the AED Scientific Committee on research progress.


    • Applicants must be current student AED members.
    • Applicants must be full-time students in a degree program, including physicians-in-training with interest or involvement in the field of eating and related disorders. Postdoctoral trainees and residents are not eligible.
    • Applicants must be nominated by a non-student member of AED.
    • In the same year, students may apply for either an AED Student Research Grant or an AED Travel Scholarship, but not both. However, students are encouraged to apply for these mechanisms in different years.
    • Individuals who have received this award more than once, or in the prior year, are not eligible.

    Application Materials:

    • Curriculum Vitae: Please include a current curriculum vitae including academic degrees, appointments, recent employment history, teaching activities, community activities, references for any publications or presentations at eating disorders conferences, meetings, or seminars.
    • Research Plan: Please include a two-page, single-spaced plan outlining the specific aims of the project, the background literature, the study procedure and methods and the timeline for completion. Within the research plan, nominees should provide a brief statement that indicates: 1) whether the research fulfills a degree requirement (i.e., a thesis or a dissertation; NOTE: the information on whether the research is for a degree is not a requirement, but is helpful information for the review committee); and 2) how the funds will be spent in the conduct of the research.
    • Budget: Please include a detailed budget that lists materials and other items and their costs.
    • Nomination Letter: Please provide one (1) nomination letter from a non-student member of the AED. This letter can be no longer than 500 words in length and should comment on your research plan, your potential as a researcher, and the potential for the successful completion of the proposed project.
    • Letter of Support: Please provide one (1) letter of support from a faculty member from your institution or the eating disorders field. This letter should be no longer than 500 words in the length and should address the importance of your proposed research and contributions to this work.

    Application Process:

    • Applications will be reviewed by the AED Awards and Scientific Review Committee.
    • All applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible after the call closes.

    Post-Award Procedures:
    Awardees will be encouraged (but not required) to attend the AED International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) to receive their award and research funds. Funds will be disbursed at ICED. If the awardee is unable to attend ICED, funds will be disbursed no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the ICED.

    SCHOLARSHIP FOR experts by experience

    AED annually awards one (1) travel and registration scholarship for Experts by Experience to attend an in-person International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED). This category is defined as patients, carers, and other non-professionals who have no professional affiliation with eating disorder research or treatment. Eating disorder professionals are not eligible for this scholarship. Scholarship funds will be distributed to awardees at least 90 days prior to the first day of the conference.

    If the ICED is a fully-virtual event with no in-person attendance options, awardees will receive complimentary registration to the conference, including any optional sessions or options which require payment.


    • Applicants must be current AED members in the Experts by Experience membership category.
    • Demonstrated activity in terms of eating disorder advocacy, education, and/or outreach in the Experts by Experience community.
    • Ability to translate and transfer knowledge gleaned from conference participation to their regional or online Experts by Experience community.
    • Demonstrated need for financial support and/or lack of other sources of support to fund conference attendance.

    Application Materials:

    • Personal Statement: In two pages or less, please tell us about yourself, including your current work in the field of eating disorders, the funding issues that make your travel to the annual conference difficult, and a clear description of how you plan to share the knowledge and skills learned at the conference with the Experts by Experience eating disorder community in your home region.
    • Curriculum Vitae: Please include a current curriculum vitae including academic degrees, appointments, recent employment history, teaching activities, community activities, references for any publications or presentations at eating disorders conferences, meetings, or seminars.
    • Letters of Recommendation: Please include two letters of recommendation from associates, co-workers, or others who can speak to your activities in the field of eating disorders.
    • ICED Abstracts: If you submitted an abstract for the next International Conference on Eating Disorders, please include an electronic copy of that abstract.

    Application Process:

    • Applications will be reviewed by the AED Awards and Scientific Review Committee
    • All applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible after the call closes