
AED Fellows

AED Fellows reflect a diversity of distinguished contributions to the field and the interdisciplinary and international composition of AED. The Fellows Committee recommends to the AED Board for approval the applications of AED members in good standing who have made distinguished and sustained contributions to the leadership and activities of AED and to the field of eating disorders. 
“Good standing” is usually defined as continuous AED membership for at least five years. This is not a criterion but a suggested guideline, as many factors may interfere with continuous membership in AED. Although seniority in the field is also not a criterion, it is generally expected that in order to have attained distinguished and sustained excellence in research, practice, and/or advocacy, applicants will be mid-career and beyond. Mid-career and beyond is usually defined as active in the field of eating disorders for at least the past ten years. 
“Distinguished and sustained contributions to the leadership and activities of AED” is defined as involvement in one or more AED committees, or in another AED volunteer position, and at least one leadership role (e.g., committee or SIG chair or co-chair). Because the nature of SIG involvement can vary greatly, SIG involvement and attendance/presentations at ICEDs, though important, are not considered distinguished and sustained contributions to the leadership of AED. 
In addition to making contributions to AED, Fellow applicants are expected to have made contributions in one or more of the following areas. Applicants are not expected to have made contributions in all four of these areas:
  • Distinguished, sustained research-based scholarship that has contributed significantly to the academic literature;
  • Distinguished and sustained contributions to literature designed for lay audiences (e.g., people with eating disorders; families; advocates and activists);
  • Distinguished, sustained, nationally- and/or internationally-recognized contributions to clinical services (e.g., involvement in establishing national guidelines for the treatment of eating disorders) and/or prevention;
  • Distinguished and sustained contributions to advocacy in the context of government or other major organizations. 

Apply TO BECOME A Fellow

There are two ways to apply:  
  • Candidates can submit their own materials.
  • A senior AED member (usually defined as active in AED for at least the past ten years) can nominate a candidate. Nominators should not also be in the process of applying for FAED themselves. If submitted by a nominator, the nominator is responsible for compiling and submitting all of the materials described below, including two letters of recommendation from senior AED members. 

Required Application Materials

  • Cover Letter detailing (using specific examples and other evidence) how the candidate meets the criteria for Fellowship by providing an outline of the details of AED involvement and leadership contributions and contributions to the field of eating disorders; providing an explanation for any lapses in AED membership and/or career; and highlighting areas that the Fellows Committee should highly consider in their review of the application.
  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  • Two letters of recommendation from senior AED Members (who are not also in the process of applying for Fellow) that address in detail, including specific examples, how the candidate meets the criteria for Fellowship. For example, an applicant or referee would need to provide specific examples of the applicant's significant, distinguished involvement in AED and specific examples of how the applicant meets one of the four other required categories.  Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to obtain recommendation letters from AED Fellows.

Terms of AED Fellowship

Once selected, the appointment to Fellow of AED (FAED) status is made on a lifetime basis if the individual maintains active membership in good standing in AED. Additionally, Fellows will be asked to make a one-time contribution of $200 for lifetime status as a Fellow. Should a Fellow’s membership lapse, they will be informed and be given the opportunity to renew membership by full payment of dues so that their Fellow status is not interrupted. 

List of Fellows


  • Diann Ackard, PhD, LP, FAED
  • Daniela Gomez Aguirre, MD, FAED
  • Kelly Allison, PhD, FAED
  • Arnold Andersen, MD, FAED
  • Drew Anderson, PhD, FAED
  • Leslie K Anderson, PhD, FAED
  • Ellen Astrachan-Fletcher, PhD, FAED
  • Evelyn Attia, MD, FAED
  • Bryn Austin, ScD, FAED


  • Rachel Bachner-Melman, PhD, FAED
  • Ursula Bailer, MD, FAED
  • Jessica H. Baker, PhD, FAED
  • Amy Baker-Dennis, PhD, FAED
  • Judith Banker, MA, LLP, FAED
  • Anna Bardone-Cone, PhD, FAED
  • J. Armando Barriguete-Melendez, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Anne Becker, PhD, MD, SM, FAED
  • Carolyn Becker, PhD, FAED
  • Ovidio Bermudez, MD, FAED
  • Kelly Bhatnagar, PhD, FAED
  • C. Laird Birmingham, MD, FAED
  • Emmett Bishop, MD, FAED
  • Ahmed Boachie, MD, FAED
  • Wayne Bowers, PhD, ABPP, FAED
  • Timothy Brewerton, MD, DFAPA, FAED, DFAACP, HCEDS
  • Cynthia Bulik, PhD, FAED
  • Douglas Bunnell, PhD, FAED
  • Mardie Burckes-Miller, CEDS, CHES, EdD, FAED
  • Debora Burgard, PhD, FAED


  • Rachel Calogero, PhD, FAED
  • Jerel Calzo, PhD, MPH, FAED
  • Angela Celio Doyle, PhD, FAED
  • Carolyn Costin, MA, MEd, FAED
  • Jennifer Couturier, MD, MSc, FAED
  • Ross Crosby, PhD, FAED
  • Scott Crow, MD, FAED


  • Ricardo Dalle Grave, MD, FAED
  • Kyle De Young, PhD, FAED
  • Rita Debate, PhD, MPH, FAED
  • Jennifer Derenne, MD, FAED
  • Michael Devlin, MD, FAED
  • Phillippa Diedrichs, PhD, BSc, FAED
  • Gina Dimitropoulos, PhD, RSW, FAED
  • Olga Lizett Gonzales Dominquez, ClinPsych, FAED
  • Suzanne Dooley-Hash, MD, FAED
  • Angela Celio Doyle, PhD, FAED
  • Unna Danner, PhD, FAED


  • Kamryn Eddy, PhD, FAED
  • Ivan Eisler, PhD, CPsychol, AcSS, FAED
  • Carine Marie El Khazen, DESS, DEA, FAED


  • Christopher Fairburn, MD, FAED
  • Patricia Fallon, PhD, FAED
  • Theresa Fassihi, PhD, CEDS, FAED
  • Anita Federici, PhD, FAED
  • Ilene Fishman, MSW, LCSW, ACSW, FAED
  • Ellen E. Fitzsimmons-Craft, PhD, FAED
  • Kelsie Forbush, PhD, FAED
  • Guido Frank, MD, FAED
  • Debra Franko, PhD, FAED
  • Anthea Fursland, PhD, FAED


  • Jennifer Gaudiani, MD, CEDS, FAED
  • Josie Geller, PhD, RPsych, FAED
  • Juanita Gempeler Rueda, CBT, FAED
  • Marci Gluck, PhD, FAED
  • Neville Golden, MD, FAED
  • Andrea Goldschmidt, PhD, FAED
  • Andrea Graham, PhD, FAED
  • Leah Graves, LD, RD, FAED
  • Angela Guarda, MD, FAED


  • Jennifer Hagman, MD, FAED
  • Katherine Halmi, MD, FAED
  • Phillipa Hay, DPhil, FAED
  • Leslie Heinberg, PhD, FAED
  • Joann Hendelman, PhD, RN, BSN, FAED
  • Marcia Herrin, EdD, MPH, RD, FAED
  • Laura Hill, PhD, FAED
  • Hans Hoek, MD, PhD, FAED


  • Mimi Israël, MD, FRCP, FAED


  • Karen M. Jennings Mathis, PhD, CNP, PMHNP-BC, FAED
  • Craig Johnson, PhD, FAED


  • Allan Kaplan, MD, FAED
  • Andreas Karwautz, MD, FAED
  • Debra K. Katzman, MD, FAED
  • Walter Kaye, MD, FAED
  • Pamela Keel, PhD, FAED
  • Allison Kelly, PhD, FAED
  • Youl Ri Kim, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Kelly Klump, PhD, FAED
  • Richard Kreipe, MD, FAED
  • Ashish Kumar, MRCPsych, MSc, FAED


  • Jillian Lampert, PhD, MPH, RD, LD, FAED
  • Jason Lavender, PhD, FAED
  • Daniel Le Grange, PhD, FAED
  • Michael Levine, PhD, FAED
  • Rachel L. Levine, MD, FAED
  • Lisa R. Lilenfeld, PhD, FAED
  • James Lock, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Katharine Loeb, PhD, FAED
  • Carolina Lopez, PhD, FAED
  • Jennifer Lundgren, PhD, FAED
  • Janet Lydecker, PhD, FAED

Past Fellows

  • Rachel Bryant-Waugh
  • Jacqueline Carter
  • Sigrun Danielsdottir
  • William Davis
  • Martina De Zwaan
  • Fernando Fernandez-Aranda
  • Alison Field
  • Martin Fisher
  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick
  • Richard Gordon
  • Thomas Hildebrandt
  • Melanie Katzman
  • Ann Kearney-Cooke
  • Diane Keddy
  • Hubert Lacey
  • Sloane Madden
  • Laurel Mayer
  • Diane Mickley
  • James Mitchell
  • J. Scott Mizes
  • Charles Murkofsky
  • Robert Palmer
  • Marisol Perez
  • Susan Ringwood
  • Rachel Rodgers
  • Roberta Sherman
  • Michael Strober
  • Ron Thompson
  • Heather Thompson-Brenner
  • Limor Weinstein
  • Ted Weltzin
  • Kathryn Zerbe


  • Paulo Machado, PhD, FAED
  • Margo D. Maine, PhD, FAED
  • Kathleen Mammel, MD, FSAHM, FAAP, FAED
  • Marsha D. Marcus, PhD, FAED
  • Suzanne Mazzeo, PhD, FAED
  • Susan McElroy, MD, FAED
  • Beth Hartman McGilley, PhD, FAED
  • Gail McVey, PhD, CPsych, FAED
  • Philip Mehler, MD, FAED
  • Janell Mensinger, PhD, FAED
  • Nadia Micali, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Deborah Michel, PhD, CEDS-S, FAED
  • Karen S. Mitchell, PhD, FAED
  • Jonathan Mond, PhD, MPH, FAED
  • Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS-S, FAED
  • Melissa A. Munn-Chernoff, PhD, FAED


  • Michiko Nakazato, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, MPH, PhD, RD, FAED
  • Umberto Nizzoli, PhD, MPH, MCA, MDCA, MAd, FAED
  • Mark Norris, BSc (Hon), MD, FRCPC, FAED
  • Stacey Lynn Nye, PhD, FAED


  • Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, MD, FAED
  • Marion P. Olmsted, PhD, FAED


  • Hana Papežová, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Susan Paxton, PhD, FAED
  • Christine M. Peat, PhD, LP, FAED
  • Carol Peterson, PhD, LP, FAED
  • Kathleen M. Pike, PhD, FAED
  • Niva Piran, PhD, FAED
  • Millie Plotkin, MLS, FAED
  • Charles Portney, MD, FAED
  • Juana Poulisis, MD, FAED
  • Tamara Pryor, PhD, FAED



  • Dan W. Reiff, MPH, RD, FAED
  • Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodriguez, PhD, FAED
  • Renee Rienecke, PhD, FAED
  • Maria Teresa Rivera, MS, RD, LD, FAED
  • Mary Rouse, MD, FAED
  • Janice Russell, MD, FAED
  • Guillermina Rutsztein, PhD, FAED


  • Ulrike Schmidt, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Lucy Serpell, PhD, DClinPsy, FAED
  • Carol Signore, MAT, MS, LMFT, FAED
  • Thomas Silber, MD, MASS, FAED
  • Reba Sloan, MPH, LRD, FAED
  • Kendrin Sonneville, ScD, RD, FAED
  • Howard Steiger, PhD, FAED
  • Ruth Striegel, PhD FAED
  • Robyn Sysco, PhD, FAED


  • Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, PhD, FAED
  • Mary Tantillo, PhD, RN, CS, FAED
  • Kate Tchanturia, PhD, FAED
  • Gry Kjaersdam Telleus, PhD, FAED
  • Jennifer Thomas, PhD, FAED
  • David Tobin, PhD, FAED
  • Stephen W. Touyz, PhD, FAED
  • Janet Treasure, FRCPsych, FAED
  • Eva Maria Trujillo, MD, FAED
  • Tracy Tylka, PhD, FAED



  • Annemarie van Elburg, MD, PhD, FAED
  • Eric van Furth, PhD, FAED
  • Piergiuseppe Vinai, MD, FAED
  • Kristin von Ranson, PhD, RPsych, FAED


  • Tracey Wade, PhD, FAED
  • Glenn Waller, DPhil, FAED
  • B. Timothy Walsh, MD, FAED
  • Warren Ward, MBBS, FRANZCP, FAED
  • Mark Warren, MD, MPH, FAED
  • Therese S. Waterhous, PhD, RDN, CEDRD, FAED
  • Kenneth Weiner, MD, FAED
  • Christina Wierenga, PhD, FAED
  • Jennifer Wildes, PhD, FAED
  • Denise Wilfley PhD, FAED
  • Susan G. Willard, LCSW, BCD, FAED
  • Claire Wiseman, PhD, FAED
  • Lucene Wisniewski, PhD, FAED
  • Stephen Wonderlich, PhD, FAED
  • D. Blake Woodside, MD, FAED