Professional Resources

International Journal of Eating Disorders (IJED)

Mission and Scope of the IJED 

IJED’s mission is to advance the scientific knowledge needed for understanding, treating, and preventing eating disorders. The journal achieves its mission by publishing rigorously evaluated, high-quality manuscripts for distribution through print and electronic platforms to an international readership of health professionals, scientists, and advocates.

Accordingly, the IJED publishes state-of-the-art original scientific research and scholarly articles on theory, methodology, etiology, clinical practice, and policy related to eating disorders, as well as articles that facilitate scholarly critique and discussion of science and practice in the field. Theoretical and empirical work on obesity or healthy eating falls within the journal’s scope inasmuch as it facilitates the advancement of efforts to describe and understand, prevent, or treat eating disorders.

IJED Submissions

IJED welcomes submissions from all regions of the world and representing all levels of inquiry (including basic science, clinical trials, implementation research, and dissemination studies), and across the range of scientific methods, disciplines, and approaches. Learn more about IJED submissions and guidelines »

Continuing Education Credits 

As a member of AED you are already receiving and reading your International Journal of Eating Disorders. However, did you know that you can turn that reading into Continuing Education Credits at a very low price through our partner

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IJED Cover

IJED Online

Edited By: Ruth Striegel Weissman 
Online ISSN: 1098-108X