SIG Roundtable C

Facing Changes In a New Era - SIG Panel Roundtable Discussions

Best practices with a ‘top-down’ approach: Providing optimal support for eating disorders among athletes across all levels of a system

Sasha Gorrell, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Co-Authors: Riley Nickols, Athlete EDGE at EDCare; Tiffany Stewart, Pennington Biomedical Research Center; Solfrid Bratland-Sanda, University of South-Eastern Norway; Rachael Flatt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify specific systemic risks for eating disorders across various levels of athlete status.
  2. Describe three ways in which individuals who care for athletes can appropriately engage with athletes in regard to weight and shape.
  3. Discuss two actions that may enhance ED prevention efforts in an athletic institution.


Lived Experience Advocacy & Engagement (LEAE) SIG

Heather Hower, MSW, LICSW, ACSW, QCSW

Brown University

Co-Authors: Shannon Calvert, SEED Lived Experience; Ellen Bennett, KMB For Answers; Frank Brockman, Center Point Assessment Solutions, Inc.; Norma "Cipalti" Ayuzo-del-Valle, Hospital Angeles Valle Oriente

Learning Objectives:

  1. Following the training, participants will be able to identify some of the ongoing projects of the recently developed Lived Experience Professionals (LEP) SIG.
  2. Following the training, participants will be able to relate examples of how to share your story of lived experience responsibly and effectively.
  3. Following the training, participants will be able to relate examples of how to share your story of lived experience responsibly and effectively.


I’ve been around the world: International Perspectives on Seeking and Thriving in Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Dr. Phillip Aouad, PhD

InsideOut Institute, Central Clinical School, University of Sydney

Co-Authors: Erin Reilly, Hofstra University, USA; Anja Hilbert, IFB Adiposity Diseases | University of Leipzig and University Hospital Leipzig, Germany; Lisa Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA; Carla Ugarte, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what a postdoctoral position entails.
  2. Learn about postdoctoral positions overseas.
  3. Identify how postdoctoral positions may differ between countries or regions.


Shared and discipline-specific clinical responsibilities of therapists and dietitians in the treatment of eating disorders

Elizabeth Holm

Co-Authors: Caitlin McMaster; Glenn Waller; Therese Waterhous; Ivan Eisler

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss collaboration of clinical responsibilities between therapists and dietitians in a patient’s treatment from both an adult and child and adolescent perspective. Cite case examples.
  2. Discuss the role of therapists and dietitians in addressing patient’s nutritional concerns, as well as distorted cognitions related to eating, food and body image, specifically within the context of CBT-ED and FT-ED (i.e. Maudsley Family Therapy and FBT).
  3. Develop a discussion on how eating disorder dietitians and therapists can better collaborate to advance eating disorder clinical research and practice.