Facing Changes In a New Era - SIG Panel Roundtable Discussions
Best practices with a ‘top-down’ approach: Providing optimal support for eating disorders among athletes across all levels of a system
Sasha Gorrell, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Co-Authors: Riley Nickols, Athlete EDGE at EDCare; Tiffany Stewart, Pennington Biomedical Research Center; Solfrid Bratland-Sanda, University of South-Eastern Norway; Rachael Flatt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Learning Objectives:
- Identify specific systemic risks for eating disorders across various levels of athlete status.
- Describe three ways in which individuals who care for athletes can appropriately engage with athletes in regard to weight and shape.
- Discuss two actions that may enhance ED prevention efforts in an athletic institution.
Lived Experience Advocacy & Engagement (LEAE) SIG
Heather Hower, MSW, LICSW, ACSW, QCSW
Brown University
Co-Authors: Shannon Calvert, SEED Lived Experience; Ellen Bennett, KMB For Answers; Frank Brockman, Center Point Assessment Solutions, Inc.; Norma "Cipalti" Ayuzo-del-Valle, Hospital Angeles Valle Oriente
Learning Objectives:
- Following the training, participants will be able to identify some of the ongoing projects of the recently developed Lived Experience Professionals (LEP) SIG.
- Following the training, participants will be able to relate examples of how to share your story of lived experience responsibly and effectively.
- Following the training, participants will be able to relate examples of how to share your story of lived experience responsibly and effectively.
I’ve been around the world: International Perspectives on Seeking and Thriving in Post-Doctoral Fellowships
Dr. Phillip Aouad, PhD
InsideOut Institute, Central Clinical School, University of Sydney
Co-Authors: Erin Reilly, Hofstra University, USA; Anja Hilbert, IFB Adiposity Diseases | University of Leipzig and University Hospital Leipzig, Germany; Lisa Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA; Carla Ugarte, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what a postdoctoral position entails.
- Learn about postdoctoral positions overseas.
- Identify how postdoctoral positions may differ between countries or regions.
Shared and discipline-specific clinical responsibilities of therapists and dietitians in the treatment of eating disorders
Elizabeth Holm
Co-Authors: Caitlin McMaster; Glenn Waller; Therese Waterhous; Ivan Eisler
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss collaboration of clinical responsibilities between therapists and dietitians in a patient’s treatment from both an adult and child and adolescent perspective. Cite case examples.
- Discuss the role of therapists and dietitians in addressing patient’s nutritional concerns, as well as distorted cognitions related to eating, food and body image, specifically within the context of CBT-ED and FT-ED (i.e. Maudsley Family Therapy and FBT).
- Develop a discussion on how eating disorder dietitians and therapists can better collaborate to advance eating disorder clinical research and practice.