Top Paper Session 2

Top Paper Moderated Q&A Session 2
Moderated by Eva Trujillo, MD, CEDS, FAED, FAAP, Fiaedp

Ellen E. Fitzsimmons-Craft, Ph.D., FAED

Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA

Co-Authors: William Chan, Arielle Smith, Marie-Laure Firebaugh, Lauren Fowler

Effectiveness of a Chatbot for Eating Disorders Prevention: A Randomized Clinical Trial

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the challenges associated with dissemination of human-supported eating disorders preventions programs.
  2. Provide overview of the development of a chatbot for eating disorders prevention, based on an established, traditional web-based program.
  3. Highlight and discuss results of a research study examining effectiveness of the chatbot vs waitlist control.


Robin Rica, MsC

Autonomous University of Madrid

Co-Authors: Alba Moreno-Encinas, Sara Foguet, Ana Rosa Sepùlveda Gàrcia

Epidemiology of Muscle Dysmorphia and Eating Disorders in Spanish Male University Students: a two-stage study

 Learning Objectives:

  1. To deepen knowledge of the disorders associated with body dissatisfaction in men.
  2. To find out the prevalence of ED and DM in Spanish men.
  3. To deepen the conceptualization of Muscle Dysmorphia as part of the spectrum of ED.


Dr. Qinxin Shi

University of Utah

Co-Authors: Brian Baucom, Pascal Deboeck, Robyn Kilshaw, Colin Adamo

Building a Measurement Model to Study Intensively Measured Emotion in Eating Disorders Through Self-Help Apps

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Following the training, participants will be able to study how to study categorical emotion data collected through self-help apps for patients with eating disorder behaviors and further advance the just-in-time intervention.
  2. Following the training, participants will be able to study how to apply a circumplex model of emotion on the categorical emotion data collected through self-app.
  3. Following the training, participants will be able to study how we evaluated the measurement model to make sure the model is invariant across time, gender, ethnicity, age, and diagnostic conditions.


Dr. Mima Simic

Maudsley Centre for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders (MCCAED)

Co-Authors: Julian Baudinet, Alfonce Munuvue, Antonia Bell, Anna Konstantellou

Seven-year follow-up of young people who received specialist child and adolescent eating disorder treatment in a public health setting

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand longer term eating disorder outcomes of children and adolescents who had evidence-based treatment in a specialist eating disorder service in a public mental health setting.
  2. Learn about general and social functioning at follow-up from children and adolescent treated for an eating disorder in a specialist eating disorder service.
  3. Have an overview of the long-term outcomes for those who had outpatient treatment compared to those whose treatment was intensified with either day- or inpatient care for their eating disorder in childhood and adolescence.


Dr. Jet Termorshuizen, MSc

Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Co-Authors: David Clinton,  Andreas Birgegard, Katarina Lindstedt, Elin Monell

Subjective Experiences of Negative Energy Balance in Patients with High vs Low Genetic Risk of Anorexia Nervosa

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Appreciate the importance of qualitative research in psychiatric genetics.
  2. Explain the concept of negative energy balance and its importance for anorexia nervosa.
  3. Understand how polygenic risk may be reflected in subjective experience.