Information for ICED 2019 Presenters
Dear ICED 2019 Presenters,
The AED ICED Program Committee thanks you for presenting at the upcoming 2019 International Conference on Eating Disorders, “Start Spreading the News: Education, Dissemination and the Science of Eating Disorders.” The meeting will take place from March 14-16, 2019 in New York, NY, USA.
Audio-Visual Equipment for Each Session Room
All session rooms will be equipped with one Windows-based laptop and PowerPoint software, a projection screen, a LCD projector, laser pointer and microphone. You will not be permitted to connect your own computer to the LCD projector in your session room.
The official ICED 2019 Disclosure PowerPoint Slide to be utilized in your presentation can be downloaded here. We ask that the slide appear as the second or third slide of your presentation.
Hotel and Travel Arrangements
All presenters and attendees are responsible for their own ICED registration fees, and travel and hotel reservations.
Your PowerPoint Presentation File
Presenters are asked to use the laptops placed in each room. No personal laptops or tablets will be allowed. To ensure that your presentation is available during your session, please visit the Speaker Upload Room, located in Carnegie West on the third floor of the Sheraton New York Times Square. It is open and available from 07:00 to 17:00 daily. We sincerely appreciate your help in making ICED a world-wide global and inclusive community.
Educational Session Presenter Information
Information for all ICED educational session presenters can be found here.
Scientific Paper Presentation Instructions
A Paper presentation is a 12-minute period of time in which you have at least 10 minutes to provide the audience with an outline of your research as described in the abstract submission process. The remaining 2 minutes can be used to answer questions. Please ensure your travel arrangements are made in accordance with the Paper Session schedule. You can find additional information for scientific paper presenters here.
Poster Presentation Instructions
This year posters will be vertical rather than horizontal. Usable space for poster boards is 7’ 10.5” (240.03 cm) high by 3’ 10.5” (118.11 cm) wide. Poster presenters are encouraged to set up their poster first thing in the morning on the day on which they will present. You can find additional information here.
Local Scientific Poster Printing Companies
(NOTE: AED does NOT endorse any of these vendors)
All presenters are responsible for their own registration fees. If you plan to register onsite, please download the registration form here and bring it with you for faster service.
Session Recordings
AED will record all educational sessions, with a small few being broadcast live via the AED social media channels. The content will also be made available for purchase before, during and after the conference for those who were not able to attend. If you do not wish to grant AED the right to video record your session, or your segment of a session, and then make it available for resale on the AED website, please contact Dawn Gannon at no later than March 1, 2019
Session Room Assignments
AED Headquarters staff will announce room assignments at least 2 weeks prior to the conference. Assignments are made based on the number of registrants for each session to allow for sufficient participant seating.
Suggestions for Making Your Presentation Successful
- Introduce yourself to your session Chair(s) before the session starts, if you do not already know them
- The first slide is your Title slide followed by the Disclosure slide
- Be considerate. You only have a limited time to present your information. There may have been speakers prior to your presentation, and there may be others after you. However, the audience will certainly have questions they would like to have answered before the session
- Be selective. Do not try to tell the audience everything possible. Focus your slides and your talk on the key
- Keep it simple. It is better to show the one or two critical findings on a slide than to do a complex and over-stuffed table or set of
- Use a font that is large (about 28 point for your main text) and easily readable from the back of the main room.
- Give people a web link or email address in case they want to ask more questions or ask for copies of material that you have
- Feel free to include a slide listing all of the collaborators or funders, but do not spend the time to read out each name. Simply show the slide and thank them as a whole (e.g., “I’d like to thank my collaborators and funders,” then move on to next slide).
Still Have Questions?
If you have additional questions, please contact Dawn Gannon at AED Headquarters. She can be reached at +1-703-234-4215 or Thank you once again for presenting at ICED 2019. We look forward to seeing you in New York!