Partners | Chapters | Affiliates | Friends

AED Welcomes its Partners, Chapters, Affiliates and Friends

The AED establishes formal collaborations with organizations of eating disorder professionals around the globe who share the AED’s mission of promoting the treatment, research, and prevention of eating disorders. The Partnership, Chapter and Affiliate Committee, established in 2009, seeks out suitable Partner Organizations (national multidisciplinary ED organizations) and Affiliate Organizations (organizations of single disciplines or those dedicated to individuals with ED) and helps build mutually beneficial collaborations with and between them.

The AED has currently twenty-three AED Partner Organizations, six Affiliate Organizations, four Chapters:

  • Argentina: Transdisciplinary Obesity Society (Argentina)/Sociedad Transdisciplinaria de Obesidad (STO)
  • Australia/New Zealand: The Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED)
  • Austria: The Austrian Society on Eating Disorders (ASED)/Österreichische Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (ÖGES)
  • Canada: Eating Disorder Association of Canada (EDAC)
  • Canada: National Institute of Eating Disorders (NIED) 
  • Chile: The Chilean Society for the Study of Eating Disorders/Sociedad Chilena para los Estudios de los Trastornos Alimentarious (SETA)
  • Chile: Sociedad de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Neurocirugia de Chile (SONEPSYN)
  • Czech Republic: Czech Eating Disorder Association (CZEDA)
  • Denmark: Danish Eating Disorder Society (DSS)
  • European Chapter of AED
  • Finland: Finnish Eating Disorder Society (FEDS)
  • Flanders: The Flemish Academy of Eating Disorders/Vlaamse Academie Eetstoornissen (VAE)
  • France: Association Française pour le Développement des Approches Spécialisées dans les Troubles du Comportement Alimentaire (AFDAS-TCA)
  • Germany: The German Eating Disorder Society/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (DGESS)
  • Iceland: The Icelandic Eating Disorder Association (IEDA)/Félag fagfólks um átraskanir (FFÁ)
  • Israel: The Israel Association for Eating Disorders (IAED)
  • Italy: Italian Society of Eating Behavior Psychopathology (SIPA)
  • Italy: Italian Society for the Study of Eating Disorders / Società Italiana per lo Studio dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (SISDCA)
  • Japan: Japan Society for Eating Disorders (JSED)
  • Latin America: Hispano Latino American Chapter
  • Mexico: Mexican Association of Eating Disorders Professionals/Asociación Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios (AMTA)
  • Middle East Chapter of AED
  • Middle East: Middle East Eating Disorders Association (MEEDA)
  • Netherlands: Dutch Academy for Eating Disorders/Nederlandse Academie voor Eetstoornissen (NAE)
  • Nordic Chapter of AED
  • Norway: Nordic Eating Disorder Society (NEDS)
  • Poland: Polish National Center for Eating Disorders (PNCED)/Ogólnopolskie Centrum Zaburzeń Odżywiania
  • Portugal: Núcleo de Doenças do Comportamento alimentar (NDCA)
  • Spain: Asociación Española para el Estudio de los Trastornos de Conducta Alimentaria (A.E.E.T.C.A.)
  • Sweden: The Swedish Eating Disorder Society (SEDS)
  • Switzerland: Expert Network Eating Disorders Switzerland/Experten- Netzwerk Essstörungen Schweiz (ENES), Réseau Expert Suisse Troubles Alimentaires (RESTA)
  • Ukraine: Ukrainian Eating Disorders Association
  • United Kingdom: Eating Disorders Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 
  • United States: Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T.)
  • United States: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) 
  • United States: Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) 
  • United States:  Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)
  • United States: The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness
  • United States: The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™)
  • United States: The National Association for Males with Eating Disorders (N.A.M.E.D)
  • United States: The Eating Disorder Foundation (EDF)
  • World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section for Eating Disorders

Transdisciplinary Obesity Society (Argentina)/Sociedad Transdisciplinaria de Obesidad (STO)

Partner Organization since January 2010

The STO was established in Argentina to improve the quality of life of people suffering from obesity and eating disorders. We aim to promote healthy life habits and fight against the obesity epidemic and eating disorders by facilitating research, academic activities, and an exchange of information between different sectors of society.

An important part of our mission is to help create a friendlier and healthier environment for people with obesity and eating disorders. We like to think of our organization as a “big umbrella” under which different areas related to obesity and eating disorders come together. These include health, economics, education, pharmaceutics, food industries, public health, physical activity, urban transportation and design, and communication. We believe that integration of this kind is the key to a better future for the field of eating disorders and obesity.


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The Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED)

Partner Organization since June 2006

The Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) is the peak body representing and supporting the activities of all professionals working in the field of eating disorders and related issues in prevention, treatment and research in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAED was established in 2002, and has held an annual conference since 2003.  In addition to supporting its members through its conference, ANZAED has a regular newsletter, holds and supports webinars and workshops for its members, and represents its members on government committees.

ANZAED works with partner organizations internationally in a number of domains including acknowledging and endorsing position statements, sharing scholarships for young investigators and general networking. 


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The Austrian Society on Eating Disorders (ASED)/ Österreichische Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (ÖGES)

Partner Organization since August 2011

The Austrian Society on Eating Disorders (ASED) is a scientific society which was founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization. The ASED is the first Scientific Society on Eating Disorders in the German speaking countries.

The activities of the ASED are interdisciplinary, unifying all academic and clinical professions aiming at improvement of early detection, treatment, prevention and research of eating disorders as well as the development and support of health promotion regarding eating behavior, body and self-image in order to reduce the incidence of eating disorders. The ASED is dedicated to expanding public understanding of eating disorders triggered by a social thinness-obsession and prejudices against certain body or weight forms. Membership is available for all those working in any psychosocial field dealing with eating disorders (early detection, diagnosis, consultation and treatment, prevention and health promotion regarding eating behavior, body and self-image) as well as legal entities. Members have the right to participate in all events and to use all institutional offers of the society.

ASED Headquarter:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (ÖGES/ASED)
c/o Zentrum für Essstörungen ZfE
Weiherburggasse 1A, A-6020 Innsbruck
Österreich, Austria


The ASED is dedicated to: 

  • developing a network of various psychosocial professionals specialised in eating disorders.
  • promoting training in early detection, diagnosis, counselling and treatment.
  • promoting scientific research in early detection, diagnosis, counselling, treatment & prognosis; prevention and health promotion regarding eating disorders.
  • developing guidelines for treatment, professional education & training and professional ethical behaviour in the field of eating disorders.
  • improving interdisciplinary co-operation particularly with obesity experts.
  • developing and evaluating health promotion measures in the field of eating behaviour, body & self-image in order to decrease the incidence of eating disorders and to maximise the development of individual potentialities.
  • providing consultation for & co-operation with public and private institutions relevant to the Society's purposes.
  • fostering international co-operation in these fields.
  • increasing public awareness about the harmful consequences of thinness-obsession in the society and on the devaluation of one's natural figure and body forms.

Current Board of Directors:
President: Karin Waldherr, M.Sc., Sc.D.
Vice Presidents: Ursula F. Bailer, M.D., FAED; Andreas Karwautz, M.D., FAED
Secretary: Rahel Jahoda, M.Sc.
Vice Secretary: Michaela Langer, M.Sc.
Treasurer: Maria Seiwald, M.A.

The following are the ASED’s main activities:

  • Providing Eating Disorders Professional Training (Postgraduate Training Course in Treatment of Eating Disorders, since 2000; Viennese Postgraduate Course on Eating Disorders and Associated Disorders, yearly since 2009)
  • ASED Website and ASED Newsletter (Includes research and treatment updates, member information, public health information; online search for eating disorder treatment experts, and ASED news)
  • International co-operation with other European ED societies (the ASED has organised and chaired the 1st European Panel Discussion Eating Disorders Scientific Societies: ECED Innsbruck 2005; and the 2nd European Panel Discussion Eating Disorders Scientific Societies: Jubilee Congress ED Alpbach 2010) as well as with Patient & Carer Organisations (the ASED has organised and chaired the 1st European Panel Discussion: ED Patient & Carer Organisations ECED Innsbruck 2005; and the 2nd European Panel Discussion: ED Patient & Carer Organisations Jubilee Congress ED Alpbach 2010); active participation in the AED Partnership, Chapter and Affiliate Committee
  • Organization of annual Scientific Conferences: Congress Eating Disorders, The International Conference (since 1991; 

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Eating Disorder Association of Canada (EDAC)

Partner Organization since February 2010

The Eating Disorders Association of Canada/Association des Troubles Alimentaires du Canada (EDAC-ATAC) is a Canadian organization of professionals in the field of eating disorders and related areas. The mandate of EDAC-ATAC is to best serve the needs of those whose lives are impacted by eating disorders. Central to this mandate are the following objectives: to educate each other regarding best practices; to encourage sharing of information amongst EDAC/ATAC members about all issues of eating disorders care; to promote a reflective and responsive approach in the provision of care and amongst providers; and to stimulate and support research in the field of eating disorders.

EDAC-ATAC organizes a biennial national conference and publishes a newsletter for its members 3 times a year. It is the organization’s aim to connect treatment providers from across our immense country and to establish national guidelines for the provision of eating disorder treatment. Please visit our website for more information.


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The Chilean Society for the Study of Eating Disorders/Sociedad Chilena para los Estudios de los Trastornos Alimentarious (SETA)

Partner Organization since March 2011

The Chilean Society for the Eating Disorders Studies (SETA) is a young interdisciplinary society whose members are representative of most institutions related to ED in Chile. It was founded on March 8th 2007, following a series of professional meetings since 2000. SETA was created to organize the group of professionals working in the eating disorders (ED) field, in order to facilitate knowledge exchange, preventative program development and contribute to its member professional growth.

This goal involves supporting the research in the field; knowledge and information interchange among professionals, and to spread the information that it is generated at local and international levels, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the community wellbeing.

Thus SETA intends to collaborate as a national and international benchmark professional association in the area of treatment and research of Eating Disorders (ED). To reach these objectives SETA develops several activities such as: periodically organizing scientific meetings and encourages the publication of its members research projects, supports members who wants to develop specific areas for the study or treatment of ED, contributes to the improvement of teaching in the field at all levels and across the country, develops formal relationship with other scientific or professional societies and helping the information exchange. Finally, SETA is able to support governmental initiatives and provide scientific advice when required.


Current Board of Directors:
President: Dr. Maria Patricia Cordella
Secretary: Psych. Consuelo San Martín
Treasurer: Psych. Camila del Solar
Director: Dr. Carolina López
Director: MD. Marcela Altayó
Director: Psych. Roxana Brodsky

Sociedad de Neurologia,Psiquiatria y Neurocirugia de Chile (SONEPSYN)

Partner Organization since March 2018


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Czech Eating Disorder Society (CZEDA)

Partner Organization since September 2014

The Czech Eating Disorders Association (CZEDA) is a professional organization, and part of the Psychiatric Association of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkynje with 30 members, mainly psychiatrists and psychologists. CZEDA provides educational platforms for professional dialogue between medical and non-medical professionals, training, and collaboration through its publications and organization of the bi-annual International Conferences on Eating Disorders and Obesity (since 1997), clinical teaching days and other programs.

CZEDA’s goals are to generate knowledge and integrate interdisciplinary expertise about eating disorders; provide platforms for understanding and sharing of knowledge, research, clinical practice and prevention in the field of eating disorders; educate the next generation of eating disorder professionals; and foster best practice and its support from Health Care organizations in the field of eating disorders.

Please visit our website for information about upcoming events and current Board of Directors.


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Danish Eating Disorder Society (DSS)

Partner Organization since September 2015

The Danish Eating Disorder Society was founded in 1998 with the objective of developing and systematizing the knowledge about and improving the treatment methods for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and adjacent conditions. The society promotes research in the field, especially research that promotes co-operation between different treatment and research units. It works to make existing and new knowledge available to all members of the society and promotes contact with corresponding organizations. Finally it serves as a forum for new contacts and exchange of experiences among people working professionally with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or adjacent conditions in different ways.

Please visit our website for information about upcoming events and current Board of Directors.


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Finland: Finnish Eating Disorder Society (FEDS)

Partner Organization since July 2015

The Finnish Eating Disorder Society (FEDS) was funded in 1999. At present the society has around 150 members from various disciplines, such as medical doctors, psychologists, nurses, physical therapists, and dieticians. 

The mission of FEDS is to prevent, support early detection of, and to support development of treatment opportunities for eating disorders. FEDS aims to promote eating disorder research and to disseminate information on eating disorders. FEDS strives to create opportunities for national as well as international collaboration in the field of eating disorders. 

FEDS will be hosting the 11th Nordic conference on eating disorders in Helsinki in 2016. 


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The Flemish Academy of Eating Disorders/Vlaamse Academie Eetstoornissen (VAE)

Partner Organization since September 2015 

The Flemish Academy for Eating Disorders was founded in 2011 and is an association of professionals committed to improving the level of eating disorder prevention, treatment, education and research in the Flanders (Belgium).  The various specialized ED centers in Flanders and members from all universities are  represented on the board. Also, the patient and family association AN-BN is represented on our board.

One of the objectives of the association is to improve the structure and quality of care for patients with eating disorders in Flanders and to promote scientific research. In addition, the VAE promotes and stimulates co-operation (including exchange of knowledge) among the various specialized centers, both for research and for treatment of eating disorders in Flanders.

The VAE organizes an annual international conference and every year some workshops for a smaller audience. Besides these activities, the VAE publishes twice a year a newsletter with a summary of the newest developments in the ED field, an overview of upcoming national and international conferences etc...

The actual board consists of Johan Vanderlinden, PhD (president), Myriam Vervaet PhD (vice-president),  Annik Simons MD (treasurer) and  Ursula Van den Eede, MA (secretary) and several other board members Katrien Schoevaert MD and Elske Vrieze MD (scientific research), An Adriaens MA (outpatient treatment), Els Engels (dieticians), Els Verheyen (self-help organization) and Nele De Schrijver 


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Association Française pour le Développement des Approches Spécialisées dans les Troubles du Comportement Alimentaire (AFDAS-TCA)

Partner Organization since January 2015

The AFDAS-TCA was created in 2005, on the initiative of professionals from the psychiatric field specialized in the treatment of eating disorders (care givers from Nantes, Paris and Saint-Etienne). It was initiated with the idea of trying to answer some difficulties shared by many care givers while treating eating disorders. These problems concerned the high number of requests, the severity of some cases, and the lack of fluent relationship between somatic and psychiatric care. Since it was created, the AFDAS-TCA had benefited from the help of the French government (DGOS) and the Fondation de France. The AFDAS-TCA now gathers the vast majority of the teams involved in the treatment of eating disorders in France. These teams include psychiatrists, for children as for adults, pediatricians, endocrinologists, all of them stressing the great difficulties of patients and families to get the proper care in a reasonable delay, and close to their home. On the other hand, the AFDAS-TCA is open to associations of families and care users, to foundations and networks, in order to be as representative as possible of all persons concerned by eating disorders in France. Therefore the AFDAS-TCA function as a National meta-network.


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The German Eating Disorder Society/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (DGESS)

Partner Organization since July 2010

The DGESS is a for non-profit institution serving the public good, the main aims of which are to promote prevention, treatment and research in the field of eating disorders. The DGESS was founded in 2006. Relevant information can be found on our website (, including our aims, mission and by-laws (Satzung). Most of our website is in German. The aims of the society as set out after an introduction and preamble (Präambel) in our by-laws (Satzung), are, inter alia:

  • To support a network to help individuals with an eating disorder and their carers.
  • To promote prevention, early diagnosis and treatment for individuals with an eating disorder.
  • To foster research in the area of eating disorders.
  • To support the ongoing training and education of persons working with eating disordered patients.
  • To advise and counsel public institutions involved in the field of eating disorders.
  • To enhance cooperation between organizations that supports the research, prevention, early detection and treatment of eating disorders in Germany and abroad.
  • To support self-help organizations in the field of eating disorders.

The current President of the DGESS is Dr. Martina de Zwaan (Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine); Dr. Manfred M. Fichter (Professor of Psychiatry) is Past President and current Treasurer of the DGESS, as well as AED liaison.

The following are the DGESS’s main activities:

  • Establishment of guidelines for diagnoses and treatment of eating disorders in German speaking countries.
  • 1st Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen e.V. in 2007 in Prien, with about 300 attendants.
  • 2nd Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen e.V. in February 2010 in Aachen, with 380 attendants.
  • First Hilde Bruch Award (EUR 5,000.00) for young promising scientists in the field of eating disorders awarded at the 2010 DGESS conference.
  • Next DGESS conference to be held in the spring of 2012 in Erlangen/Nürnberg.
  • Active participation in the AED sisterhoodship. AED members receive a 5% reduction in membership fees.

Members of the DGESS must be actively working in the field of eating disorders and have published at least 2 papers on eating disorders in a peer-reviewed journal. Membership is approved by the DGESS board.

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Hispano Latino American Chapter

Chapter since May 2007

The Hispano Latino American Chapter of the AED (formerly the Hispano Latino American SIG), is a multidisciplinary group of therapists and researchers from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking areas of the world. Its active and enthusiastic members work together clinically and academically to advance education, awareness, research, and collaboration in the field of eating disorders. The group has hosted 11 Hispano Latino American Congresses on Eating Disorders and several regional symposia.

For information please contact the leadership group:

Maria Estela Caccavo de Estefan (HLA President)
Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodríguez (PCAC-HLA Representative)

Boletin HLA/HLA Newsletters

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The Icelandic Eating Disorder Association (IEDA)/Félag fagfólks um átraskanir (FFÁ)

Partner Organization since November 2012

The Icelandic Eating Disorder Association (IEDA) is a multidisciplinary professional organization founded in 2011. Its aim are to improve treatment, prevention and research on eating disorders in Iceland, provide Icelandic eating disorder professionals with a venue for collaboration, and facilitate collaboration with other eating disorder organizations. IEDA is a member of the Nordic Eating Disorder Society. More information can be found on our website.


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The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™)

Partner Organization since August 2016

Established in 1985, the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™) is today well recognized for its excellence in providing first-quality education and high-level training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of various healthcare treatment providers and helping professions, who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems.  

iaedp™ offers a highly respected certification process for those who wish to receive specialized credentials in their work with people with eating disorders and publishes The Eating Disorders Review, an online professional journal, which addresses contemporary treatment issues. Read the Eating Disorders Review here.  Core Courses for iaedp Certification are now available in a self-paced, home study format through the iaedp™ Institute. 

These contributions have made iaedp an outstanding forum for the exchange of ideas and a major educational and training force in our field. The certification process is an especially important part of the iaedp™ program. Reflecting both experience and education, certification verifies supervised work experience, academic course work completed, and the satisfactory passing of a written examination.

The value of the overall iaedp™ program is perhaps best seen in its annual Symposium. The conference draws attendees from all corners of the globe. It is geared to the needs and problems of those who work with patients in a therapeutic environment. Interchange among participants is constant and challenging: workshop, preconference sessions, and plenary sessions focus on "cutting edge" information and techniques. In this conference, the emphasis is on exchange of information, not just listening!

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The Israel Association for Eating Disorders (IAED)

Partner Organization since May 2007

The IAED is a non-profit organization of over one hundred professionals from various disciplines, whose goal is to promote the treatment, research, and prevention of eating disorders (EDs) in Israel. It was established in 2002 as a result of the steady increase in the incidence of EDs in Israel and the establishment of new treatment facilities. The IAED Board consists of ten members from the fields of medicine, psychology, social work, nursing, occupational therapy, art therapy, and nutrition.

The Goals of the IAED are:

  • To coordinate clinical and research activities associated with eating disorders in Israel.
  • To establish treatment standards for EDs in Israel.
  • To develop specialized training programs for professionals who treat individuals with EDs.
  • To create a dialogue with relevant government committees
  • To provide information on the treatment and prevention of EDs to those who work in the fields of health and education.
  • To represent Israeli ED professionals internationally.
  • To encourage research in the field of eating disorders and support national and international collaborations.

IAED activities:
The IAED has organizes study workshops, national eating disorder conferences and international conferences. These meetings usually draw over 400 attendees and facilitate collaboration between researchers and clinicians within Israel and internationally. The IAED also supports professional training programs in various locations across Israel, for experienced clinicians wanting to specialize in the treatment of EDs.


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Italian Society of Eating Behavior Psychopathology (SIPA)

Partner Organization since September 2012

The Italian Society for Eating Behaviour Psychopathology (SIPA in the Italian language) is a non-profit, scientific and educational organization, whose purpose will be to promote the study of the psychopathology of Eating Behaviour and of disorders of Eating Behaviour, to favour all the initiatives connected with its main topic, to establish and maintain relationships with italian and foreigner Institutions and Societies sharing similar finalities. It intends to represent a national reference point for all who are interested in the normal and pathological psychology of eating behaviour, in the Disorders of Eating Behaviour, in the investigation of factors determining a pathological behaviour and in the treatment of pathological symptoms. It intend to divulge the knowledge related to these topics, and to stimulate the occasions of meetings and communications between subjects interested in the topic. It intends to promote research, to support the prerogatives of those who work in the field, to organize groups of investigation on topics of common interest, to organize meetings, educational and technical progress courses.Italian Society of Eating Behavior Psychopathology (SIPA)

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Italian Society for The Study of Eating Disorders (SISDCA)

Partner Organization since November 2015

The Italian Society for the Study of Eating Disorders. Anorexia, Bulimia, and Obesity (SISDCA in the Italian language) is a non-profit scientific association and was founded in 1991.

SISDCA is a multiprofessional society including physicians from different medical specialties (child psychiatry, clinical nutrition, endocrinology, internal medicine, paediatrics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, adult psychiatry, etc.), psychologists, and dieticians. It is open also to nurses, social workers, and teachers and cooperates with parents and patient organizations to promote advocacy. A multidisciplinary setting has been considered ideal for approaching eating and weight-related disorders. It is also most worthwhile to encourage and strengthen studies on connections between obesity, eating disorders and body image disorders. 

SISDCA intends to recruit people who work and conduct research in the field of eating disorders in various parts of Italy, in different working environments, and with different specialties to develop a multidisciplinary team approach to early detection, assessment, treatment, and integrated prevention of eating and weight-related disorders; to facilitate the exchange of scientific knowledge and clinical experiences through formal and informal meetings; to promote multicenter research with appropriate methodology; to organize training and continuing education courses for health and mental health professionals who work in the field of eating and weight-related disorders; to influence public authorities with regard to treatment and prevention of eating and weight-related disorders; to establish and maintain contacts with similar organizations in other countries.

SISDCA has also promoted a scientific journal on eating and weight disorders: Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia, and Obesity -. since 1996 (


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Japan Society for Eating Disorders (JSED)

Partner Organization since July 2015

The Japan Society for Eating Disorders (JSED) was founded in 1997 and has been actively promoting clinical work, training and research in the field of eating disorders as the only professional organization in the field in Japan. The number of current members is 439. This includes doctors, clinical psychologists, nurses, dietitians, social workers, school teachers and school nurses. A regular newsletter is sent to members.

An academic meeting is held annually and is attended by a variety of professionals. The papers presented at the annual meeting feature a wide range of topics including biological, epidemiological, sociological and treatment studies.

An important objective of the Society is how to establish eating disorder specialist clinics and hospitals. Although the prevalence of eating disorders in Japan is comparable to that in the West, Japan does not yet have any hospital or clinic specializing in eating disorders. The Society has been active in gathering petitions and negotiating with the Japanese government’s Ministry of Health and Labor for the purpose of setting up such facilities. In 2014, the government approved the setting up of an office in the National Center for Neurology and Psychiatry to pursue the plan further. JSED will continue to work actively towards establishing key facilities in order to promote treatment and research.

President: Toshio Ishikawa

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Mexican Association of Eating Disorders Professionals/Asociación Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios (AMTA)

Partner Organization since January 2010

The Mexican Association of Eating Disorders Professionals was founded on March 8, 2008 as a Non Profit Society. It resulted from the efforts of a multidisciplinary group of Mexican professionals who wished to contribute to their country by encouraging the research, study, clinical practice and awareness of eating disorders. This organization promotes research and clinical practice, striving to make available effective treatments for patients with eating disorders and associated conditions. It also promotes public and private services for the treatment of eating disorders.

AMTA provides its members, other professionals and the general public with education, awareness and knowledge about eating disorders. It will soon be authorized to evaluate expertise in eating disorders and to help develop guidelines for training, certification, study and practice in the field.

AMTA establishes collaborations and exchanges information with other national and international associations of academic, clinical and scientific eating disorder professionals.

For more information, please contact the leadership group:

Olga González
Armando Barriguete
Karina Franco
Juan Manuel Mancillas
Antonio Tena
Eva Trujillo


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National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)

Friend of AED since August 2017

The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc. (ANAD) is a non-profit (501 c 3) organization working in the areas of support, awareness, advocacy, referral, education, and prevention.

ANAD is the oldest organization aimed at fighting eating disorders in the United States. ANAD assists people struggling with eating disorders and also provides resources for families, schools and the eating disorder community. 


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Dutch Academy for Eating Disorders/Nederlandse Academie voor Eetstoornissen (NAE)

Partner Organization since February 2010

The Dutch Academy for Eating Disorders is an association of professionals committed to improving the level of eating disorder prevention, treatment, education and research in the Netherlands. Founded in 2005, the Academy has 175 individual members (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, dieticians, pediatricians, doctors of internal medicine, psychomotor and creative therapists) and 18 institutional members with over 500 coworkers. The patient association, WEET, is a special member and meets the Board twice a year.

The NAE organizes a national conference on eating disorders once every two years for therapists, patients and carers and a local meeting for its members in the other years. The NAE organizes courses for new workers in the field of eating disorders and courses on special subjects. There are currently four Special Interest Groups: Children and Adolescents, Long Term Eating Disorders, Psychomotor therapy and Family Therapy. A newsletter is sent to members monthly.


The Board meets every six weeks and its members are Prof. Annemarie van Elburg,  (President and AED-liaison), Prof. Eric van Furth (incoming president)  Jan Willem van Heertum (treasurer), Anton van Amerongen, Patricia Bos, Annemarie van Bellegem (secretary), Marga Oudendijk (office).


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The Nordic Chapter

Chapter since March 2014

The Nordic Chapter of the AED was formed by the Nordic Eating Disorders Society (NEDS). NEDS was formed in Stockholm on May 23, 1997 and consists of all the members of the Nordic National Societies for Eating Disorders in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Iceland has an observer status and we expect the Icelandic Eating Disorder Society to join NEDS at the next Conference in Helsinki in 2016.

The NEDS has as its main objective to serve as a forum for new contacts and exchange of experiences among eating disorder professionals in the Nordic countries in order to increase knowledge about and to improve the treatment of eating disorders. NEDS supports various Nordic Interest Groups, NIGs. NEDS has also a working website:

The Board of NEDS consists of one ordinary member and one substitute, elected by the national board from each of the four member countries. A general vote at the NEDS General Assembly elects the chairperson for four years.

Biannually NEDS arranges in close cooperation with the national societies a Nordic Conference of Eating Disorders which also has a general assembly for NEDS. The latest 10th Nordic Conference of Eating Disorders was held September 17-19, 2014 in Stockholm. Finland will host the next Conference in Helsinki September 21-23, 2016.

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Polish National Center for Eating Disorders (PNCED)/Ogólnopolskie Centrum Zaburzeń Odżywiania

Partner Organization since November 2012

The Polish National Center for Eating Disorders is a national program that operates within The Kazimierz Twardowski European Center for Supporting Social Initiatives Foundation. Its goals are to increase the availability of information about by creating professional knowledge source about Eating Disorders either for sufferers and their relatives, teachers and students, journalists, professional environment and society as a whole, increasing widely understood assistance for sufferers and their relatives, change social attitudes and raise public awareness about Eating Disorders, improve accessibility and quality of medical care for people with Eating Disorders through creation of complex and system solutions and the development of professional knowledge in  collaboration  with  the  scientific  community  including creation of unit consisting of a  complex therapeutic center associated with a scientific-research and training center.


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Núcleo de Doenças do Comportamento alimentar (NDCA)

Partner Organization since September 2016

The Núcleo de Doenças do Comportamento alimentar (NDCA) is a non-profit Portuguese society. Its goals are to generate and disseminate knowledge about eating disorders, promote education and professional development activities for professionals..


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 Spanish Association for the Study of Eating Disorders/Asociación Española para el Estudio de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (AEETCA)

Partner Organization since February 2015

A.E.E.T.C.A is an association of professionals from different disciplines, involved in the prevention, treatment and research of eating disorders. This association was founded in 1996 and its first president was Dr. Morandé Lavin. It currently has 150 members from all over Spain. It has a double mission: to promote the study of eating disorders, in order to increase the scientific and clinical progress in this field, to respond to identified needs in professionals involved in eating disorders, and represent them in public and private estates. The objectives of AEETCA are: (1) Gather professionals from different disciplines, either basic or clinical, who provide their experience and studies in order to improve the knowledge and treatment of ED. (2) Promote scientific studies in eating disorders (3) Contibute to the formation of professionals (4) Colaborate with health and educational authorities for the development of primary, secondary and tertiary eating disorder prevention programs. (5) Aid the understanding of eating disorders in the community.

A.E.E.T.C.A organizes biennial national congresses since 1996 and supports annual educational conferences, collaborates in the preparation of clinical guides, implements support and consulting activities with patient and family associations and advises the media about the approach they should make with eating disorder information. 
The current Board (2011-2015): President: Montserrat Graell, Vice-President: Carmen del Río, Secretary: María Carrera, Treasurer: Andrés Gómez del Barrio, Board Members: Francisco Vaz , Conxa Perpinyá, Isabel de la Salud, Luis Rojo, Marina Díaz, Carmen Bayo, Esteban Martínez.


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Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)

Affiliate Organization since September 2011

SCAN is the largest dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. There are over 7,000 Registered Dietitians (RD) and Dietetic Technicians (DTR) involved with nutrition expertise in one or more of the following areas: sports nutrition, cardiovascular health, wellness and the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating.

SCAN includes four subunits that each focus on one of these core areas of practice. The DEED (Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders) subunit is dedicated to promoting nutrition practices that aid in the prevention of harmful eating behaviors, the promotion of recovery from disordered eating and eating disorders, and the development of lifelong healthful attitudes and behaviors related to food, body weight and physical activity. DEED members have a wealth of clinical experience in medical nutrition therapy and serve as a source of science-based information for other allied health professionals, other DEED members, and those we serve.

SCAN members value the integration of the four practice areas to provide comprehensive evidence-based medical nutrition therapy to improve the health of those we serve.

SCAN collaborates with other organizations that share our commitment to using the best science about health, eating behaviors, and foods to guide the public in making sound nutrition choices. Using our collective resources, we empower people to take charge of their health, reduce the risk of preventable illness, and maximize performance.


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Swedish Eating Disorder Society (SEDS)

Partner Organization since December 2013

The Swedish Eating Disorder Society (SEDS) was formed in 1993 as a network for people professionally involved in eating disorder treatment, research and method development. The goal of the SEDS is to develop and systematize knowledge of and improve treatments for the disorders Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa, and similar conditions. The SEDS works to improve care by supporting collaboration between treatment units as well as research, spreading knowledge, facilitating clinic-research communication, and collaborating with international organizations. The SEDS organizes two meetings per year with lectures, seminars and workshops, and has around 250 members as of 2013. Ongoing Nordic collaboration is organized within the Nordic Eating Disorder Society (NEDS). The SEDS is politically and religiously neutral. Anyone who works professionally with eating disorder treatment and/or research in Sweden is welcome to join. More information (in Swedish) on

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Expert Network Eating Disorders Switzerland/Experten- Netzwerk Essstörungen Schweiz (ENES)/Réseau Expert Suisse Troubles Alimentaires (RESTA)

Partner Organization since September 2011

The "Experten-Netzwerk Essstörungen Schweiz" (ENES) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2001. It represents 300 members throughout Switzerland such as physicians, general practitioners, psychotherapists, nutrition consultants and other professionals in private practice. It also represents specialized institutions charged with the treatment, research and prevention of eating disorders and obesity of children, adolescents and adults. The steering committee of ENES consists of 5 members and manages the activities of the network according to its particular objectives. Members meet once a year, although several task forces get together more frequently. Every second year an expert conference is attended by people from all over Switzerland interested in the topic of eating disorders. ENES works in cooperation with other organizations including the DGESS (German Society for Eating Disorders). The homepage ( was established by the ENES and financed by the Ministry for Education and Science in Bern (BBW). It is continuously updated. ENES is financially supported by membership fees and donations from sponsors.


  • to improve the quality of treatment provided for patients suffering from eating disorders
  • to spread knowledge of the bio-psycho-social basis of eating disorders via the education of therapists, carers and laypersons
  • to inform the public about patients’ concerns and promote their social acceptance
  • to reduce eating disorders and their consequences through prevention and early detection


Phone +41 43 499 12 12

Steering committee:
Dr. phil. Erika Toman (Chairwoman); Dr. med. Hanspeter Flury; Dr. Nicolas Gervasoni; Dr. med. Dagmar Pauli; Dr. med. Dr. phil. Daniel Sollberger; and Dr. med. Lars Wöckel.

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Eating Disorders Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Affiliate Organization since January 2012

The Eating Disorder Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists developed from a Special Interest Group inaugurated in 1995 with Professor Gerald Russell as its first Chair.

It brings together eating disorder psychiatrists working in the field across the United Kingdom and set standards for clinical services and training. We have a lively conference program supported by bursaries for trainees, and our various policies are given greater weight by close collaboration with B-EAT, the UK’s Eating Disorder Association.

We embrace affiliation with AED, as we strive for consensus and equity in our care for sufferers of eating disorders and their families.


Royal College of Psychiatrists, Faculty of Eating Disorders Conference at University Hall and Conference Centre, Birchwood Road, Penylan, Cardiff, CF23 5YB on 11th July 2018.

“Autonomy, Compulsion or Coercion?”
The Clinical, Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in the Treatment of Eating Disorders.

Chair: Dasha Nicholls

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National Association for Males with Eating Disorder (N.A.M.E.D.)

Affiliate Organization since February 2015

The National Association for Males with Eating Disorder (N.A.M.E.D.) ( is a nationwide professional association committed to leadership in the field of male eating disorders. Established in 2006, N.A.M.E.D. is the only organization in the United States exclusively dedicated to representing and providing support to males with eating disorders. With a lack of attention, research, support, and prevention directed to boys and men with eating disorders, N.A.M.E.D. was developed to play a vital role in filling this gap by offering information and resources about and support to this underrepresented population and their families. Revitalized with a new board of directors and source of funding, our current efforts aim to provide support for males affected by eating disorders, provide access to collective expertise, and promote the development of effective clinical intervention and research in this population.


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National Institute of Eating Disorders (NIED)

Friend of AED since August 2017

NIED was launched in 2012 in Toronto, Canada. We have become the voice for Canadian families, caregivers and individuals who are suffering with Eating Disorders and other comorbid and concurrent diagnoses.

Eating Disorders kill sufferers, bankrupt families and destroy relationships. They deserve the same respect, support, treatment, funding, research and parity as every other physical and mental health illness in Canada. 

NIED strives to create Awareness, Understanding and Action through, among other initiatives, free educational symposia presented by expert and experienced clinicians, researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, dieticians, nutritionists and alternative therapists.

NIED is the catalyst uniting stakeholders across the country to collaborate and work together to address the gaps in current services, delays in treatment, lack of pan-Canadian data, and insufficient training for clinicians and healthcare professionals. All of which have impeded resources, research, funding and available treatment options in Canada.

NIED has brought Eating Disorders to the attention of governments at both the provincial and federal levels. NIED strives to ensure that Eating Disorders are acknowledged and included in mental health discussions, policies, mental health organizations, programs, decisions and campaigns. 


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The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM)

Affiliate Organization since May 2012

Founded in 1968, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) is a multidisciplinary organization committed to improving the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of all adolescents through advocacy, clinical care, health promotion, health service delivery, professional development and research.  SAHM has a strong North American base as well as a vibrant and active international membership.  Eating disorders and obesity affect a high percentage of children, adolescents, and young adults, and SAHM’s multidisciplinary membership has been active in providing the clinical care, teaching and research that helps inform best practices and identify evidence-based strategies to promote health and recovery.  

An active participant in AED’s Partnership and Affiliate committee since 2012, SAHM maintains a vibrant Special Interest Group on Eating Disorders, as well as a SubCommittee on Eating Disorders that helps coordinate activities and guide policy.  SAHM has endorsed the AED Medical Guidelines brochure and appreciates the cross fertilization with AED with respect to improving care, education and research in the field of eating disorders.  We also welcome new members from all countries!  SAHM members who choose to join AED are eligible for a $10 discount when they first join AED.  See the AED website for details on how to join AED.  For AED members interested in joining SAHM, we welcome you to visit our SAHM website.


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The World Psychiatric Association (WPA)

Affiliate Organization since February 2015

The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) was established in 1950 by Jean Delay and is an association of national psychiatric societies dedicated to advancing psychiatry and mental health for all peoples of the world. It comprises 135 member societies spanning 117 different countries and representing more than 200,000 psychiatrists. The WPA Section for Eating Disorders is one of 65 scientific sections which are seen as the backbone of the organisation. As with the other sections, the aim is to disseminate information and promote collaborative work in our specific domain of psychiatry - namely eating disorders. The WPA Section for Eating Disorders has almost 200 members from a variety of disciplines, psychiatrists, physicians, paediatricians, dietitians, mental health nurses, family therapists and researchers. Our interests include treatment innovations and psychoneuroendocrinological aspects of eating disorders. Stigma and eating disorders in another current concern. WPA organises the World Congress of Psychiatry every three years and our section will present a section symposium in Berlin in 2017 (as we presented in Madrid in 2014). We also hope to contribute not only to the scientific programs of some of the numerous international and regional meetings and thematic conferences organised by WPA, but also to the highly regarded WPA journal, book series and educational programs .

Office bearers:
Chair : Professor Janice Russell, Sydney, Australia
Deputy Chair: Professor Palmiero Monteleone, Salerno, Italy
Secretary Professor Ulrich Voderholzer, Prien, FRG


The Eating Disorder FOUNDATION (EDF)

Friend of AED since June 2019

The mission of The Eating Disorder Foundation (EDF) is to be an effective resource in the prevention and elimination of eating disorders through education, support and advocacy.  EDF was founded in 2003 to meet the need in Denver for no-cost support for those suffering from eating disorders and for their friends and families.  It is a free, non-clinical resource based in Colorado that is accessible to everyone, regardless of income, insurance, health status, weight, diagnosis, race, gender or sexual identity.  EDF’s community based approach has grown to include free support groups (groups in Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs and a virtual group) and workshops, education and advocacy, a mentorship program, system navigation, a therapeutic garden and drop-in support. 



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Friends of AED

How to Join

To join, please download the Friends of AED application. Mail, fax or email application with payment of $500.

Please use the regular membership application for the two representatives of your organization who will be included in your Friends of AED organizational membership. Include the two regular membership applications with your Friends application.

Download Application

Membership Structure & Benefits

  • An Annual Fee of $500.00, to be paid by the ‘Friends’ Organization (FO), will include two individual memberships. The FO’s leadership will decide who the two representatives will be from year to year. 
  • Friends Organizations will qualify for a 50% discount off the standard exhibition booth rate for the annual ICED. 
  • Registered FO Leaders will form a ‘Friends’ Advisory Council which will meet two times annually, by telecom, and which will report directly to the AED Patient-Carer Committee (PCC). This council will designate one Carer and one Patient representative to serve on the PCC committee. 
  • Each FO will list AED on their website and promote AED events and initiatives of interest to their membership, and vice-versa. 
  • Each F0 will participate in an annual survey of their membership in order to identify important issues, priorities and concerns within the stakeholder community. This survey will be created by the AED’s PCC in collaboration with other relevant AED committees, approved by the AED Board, and updated each year. 

Friends of AED Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for “Friends of the AED” membership, the applicant organization must: 

  1. Be an organization with a predominantly non-professional membership comprising persons with eating disorders, patient-carers, and other ED community advocates OR an organization dedicated to lobbying for advances in ED research, improved access to ED treatment and/or providing peer support for individuals with eating disorders and/or their carers.
  2. Have a stated mission and goals compatible with those of the AED (i.e. to generate knowledge and integrate collective expertise about eating disorders; to provide platforms for the promotion of understanding and sharing of knowledge in the field of eating disorders). 
  3. Have legal status as a charitable organization OR have a well-defined organizational structure such as a Board of Directors, a Leadership Committee or other governing body. 
  4. Have inplace by-laws or similar written governance policies outlining leadership roles and responsibilities, gift acceptance, and fiscal oversight. 
  5. Have been in existence for at least two years at the time of application. 
  6. Have the ability to communicate with their members, through bulk email, in a manner that satisfies opt-in/opt-out and anti-spam regulations. 
  7. Not originate within the AED. 


Please email or call 703-234-4137.