
Hello from Your New Editors!

By Brian Belko posted 26 Mar, 2021 19:02



We are Brian and Elizabeth, your new blog editors and so thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves to you.

Brian Belko is a technical writer and freelance writer based in Ohio. Brian is experienced at consulting with editors and writers to shape story and bring quality content to completed projects. His past projects have included magazine articles, website copy, press releases, blog posts, research, and data entry, for a variety of clients around the United States and the world. With a Bachelor of Arts in Writing for the Media from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Master of Science in Technical Communication from Northeastern University, Brian comes qualified and ready to research, curate, and present new content and use his technical knowledge to bring current practice and research in the area of eating disorders to the AED community. Furthermore, Brian’s lived experience as a supporter of a person with an eating disorder gives him vital insight into this complex group of illnesses.

Elizabeth Mary Cummings is an experienced writer and primary school teacher from UK, domiciled now in Sydney since 2008, teaching in schools and facilitating carer workshops in the Eating Disorder Care Sector.  Her writing brings personal narratives and clinical observations together in a form of action research using community experiences and cultural frameworks to inform these. Currently researching and studying in the area of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Elizabeth is passionate about finding narratives and pathways that build on strengths and help to develop wider insight into mental and family health matters. With lived experience as a long term carer for a loved one with an eating disorder, Elizabeth understands the impact eating disorders have on a family. She remains involved in supporting and advocating for the marginalised voices of those who support loved ones through their journey of recovery from such long-term illnesses.
