
Get Ready for ICED 2021 - June 8 - 12, 2021

By Brian Belko posted 28 May, 2021 18:49

ICED 2021 Banner

ICED June 8 - 12

The International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) 2021 promises to be a rich, diverse, and fascinating event. From keynote speaker; Anne E. Becker, talking about why eating disorders have been marginalized in global health to a plenary session on consequences of the COVID-19 global pandemic to pre-recorded workshops discussing such topics as trauma and eating disorders and the clash between lived experience and research in this area.

ICED 2021 keynote speaker
Attendees will be challenged to consider how clinicians, investigators, policymakers, and caregivers counter the all-too-frequent invisibility of eating disorders, to absorb important lessons from the broad spectrum of lived experience and communities, and to incorporate these lessons to create a more inclusive space to respond to eating disorders across diverse settings.

Antoine Aoun, M.D.
Antoine Aoun, M.D.

Access to healthcare will be on the agenda in light of the recent pivot toward alternative methods of treating patients through telehealth. In a wider conversation, traumatic life events imposing important risk factors for eating disorders has given rise to studies in this area. With the Syrian conflict generating a large flow of refugees, Antoine Aoun, M.D., shares cross-sectional research that has been conducted with this group with a view of attempting to seek early detection and identify refugees who would benefit from interventions to improve mental health.

The ICED will take place from June 8, 2021 through June 12, 2021. To learn more about the conference and how to register, click here.

(Information collected from ICED page by Elizabeth Cummings and Brian Belko)
