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NIH-funded study for teens & young adults with anorexia – NOW recruiting!

  • 1.  NIH-funded study for teens & young adults with anorexia – NOW recruiting!

    AED Fellow
    Posted 08 Jun, 2023 17:59
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    **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee**

    Are you an outpatient therapist who works with adolescent or young adult clients with a current or recent diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or atypical anorexia nervosa? We're conducting an NIH-funded research study to test a FREE evidence-based phone app and easy-to-use online dashboard to provide you with the tools to enhance the good work you are doing and make sure the important gains your clients make in acute treatment are maintained! With therapist burnout at an all-time high, and the rate of relapse for adolescents and young adults with AN and AAN increasing, you deserve support to maximize your success with your clients and ease your workload.

    You will be randomized to use either one of our treatment apps with your clients: Smart Technology for Anorexia nervosa Recovery (STAR) or Present-focused Anorexia nervosa Coping Treatment (PACT). Both are 12-week evidence-based mHealth apps that will provide you and your clients with FREE tools, including:

    • ·       Interactive app treatment content personalized to your client's changing needs
    • ·       Weekly app-based evidence-based eating disorder outcome measures
    • ·       Access to an easy-to-use, online therapist dashboard to view client progress & outcomes.
    • ·       Automatic weekly score interpretation & risk assessment for clients using our machine learning algorithm.
    • ·       Tips, strategies, and handouts to supplement your sessions.
    • ·       Check out this video for more info:


    We are looking for licensed outpatient therapists over the age of 18 to use our app and dashboard. Enrolled participants will be compensated. To see if you are eligible for our study and begin using this app with your clients, fill out this short survey:


    Please reach out to if you have any questions or comments. This app would not be possible without the support and partnership of therapists like you!

    Kelsie Forbush Ph.D.
    University of Kansas
    Lawrence KS
    (785) 864-6525
