AED Webinar - Disordered Eating and Suicide Risk within Sexual Minority Groups

When:  Sep 28, 2021 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)
Disordered Eating and Suicide Risk within Sexual Minority Groups
September 28, 2021 at 12:00pm (EST, UTC-5)
Speakers: Shelby Ortiz, M.A. & Selime Salim, M.A.
Moderator: April Smith, PhD.

Eating disorders are robustly associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Sexual minority individuals, such as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people, are at higher risk for experiencing suicidality compared to heterosexual people. This webinar aims to help eating disorder providers understand unique factors (i.e., minority stress) that may increase suicide risk for sexual minority groups to better support their clients in treatment. Further, this webinar will discuss culturally-responsive ways to manage and reduce the occurrence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in eating disorder treatment with sexual minority individuals.


Shelby Ortiz, M.A. is a 5th year doctoral student at Miami University. Prior to graduate school, Shelby was the research coordinator for the Renfrew Center and is now working as a research consultant for the treatment center. Her research interests include identifying eating disorder risk factors using novel statistical techniques and examining the longitudinal comorbidity between suicidal thoughts and behaviors and muscle dysmorphia.

Selime R. Salim, M. A., is a 5th doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at Miami University. Her research examines women’s experiences of sexual victimization and associated outcomes through a social-ecological lens. Additionally, using a minority stress-informed approach, she is interested in examining how antibisexual stigma (both enacted and internalized) contributes to sexual violence risk among bisexual women and exacerbates post-assault recovery.
