The Weight Stigma and Social Justice SIG (formerly known as Health at Every Size) represents a multidisciplinary group of professionals who work in research, practice, educational, and advocacy venues to end weight discrimination. We seek to further understand the impact and significance of weight stigma in the development and treatment of individuals with eating disorders, and we work to promote treatment, education, science and an evidence base for eating disorders that is grounded in a social justice framework and recognizes underrepresented voices.
Create a network of professionals interested in social justice and promoting HAES®-based practice
Share resources and current developments in the fields of weight stigma, HAES®, and fat acceptance
Promote research in the harms of weight stigma on physical and emotional well-being and interventions to eliminate a culture of weight stigma
Educate the public and other clinicians about weight-inclusive approaches to healthcare (i.e., HAES®-based model)
Collaborate with other SIGs and the broader organization of AED for the purposes of eating disorder prevention in the form of activism, position papers, and workshops at the annual conferenc
Updated Spring 2017
Select list - the websites have a more inclusive and exhaustive list:
- Body Respect - Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphramor
- Beyond a Shadow of a Diet- Judith Matz and Ellen Frankel
- Health at Every Size - Linda Bacon
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family - Ellyn Satter (esp. Part 1: How to Eat)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without Harming - Ellyn Satter
- Body of Truth - Harriet Brown
- What’s Wrong with Fat?- Abigail Saguy
- Fat! So? - Marilyn Wann
- Wellness not Weight - Ellen Glovsky
- Intuitive Eating - Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch
- Fat: The Owner’s Manual - Ragen Chastain
- Healthy Bodies: Teaching kids what they need to know - Kathy Kater
Select articles/chapters:
Bacon, L., & Aphramor, L. (2011). Weight science: Evaluating the evidence for a paradigm shift. Nutrition Journal, 10, 9. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-10-9
Calogero R.M., Tylka T.L., & Mensinger, J.L. (2016). Scientific weightism: A view of mainstream weight stigma research through a feminist lens. In T-A. Roberts, N. Curtin, L. Cortina, and L. E. Duncan (Eds.), Best Practices on Building a Psychological Science of Gender. New York, NY: Springer.
Fothergill, E., Guo, J., Howard, L., Kerns, J. C., Knuth, N. D., Brychta, R., Chen, K. Y., Skarulis, M. C., Walter, M., Walter, P. J. and Hall, K. D. (2016), Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition. Obesity, 24, 1612–1619. doi:10.1002/oby.21538
Mensinger, J.L., Calogero, R.M., Stranges, S., & Tylka, T.L. (2016). A weight-neutral versus a weight-loss approach to health and well-being in women with high BMI: A randomized controlled trial. Appetite, 105, 364-374. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2016.06.006 (PMID: 27289009)
Tomiyama, A. J., Hunger, J. M., Nguyen-Cuu, J., & Wells, C. (2016). Misclassification of cardiometabolic health when using body mass index categories in NHANES 2005-2012. International Journal of Obesity. doi:10.1038/ijo.2016.17
Tylka, T. L., Annunziato, R. A., Burgard, D., Danielsdottir, S., Shuman, E., Davis, C., & Calogero, R. M. (2014). The weight-inclusive versus weight-normative approach to health: Evaluating the evidence for prioritizing well-being over weight loss. Journal of Obesity, 2014(Article ID 983495), 983495. doi:10.1155/2014/983495
Social Media
- Megan Jayne Crabbe, @bodyposipanda, www.bodyposipand.com
- Virgie Tovar, @virgietovar, www.virgietovar.com
- The Body is Not an Apology, @thebodyisnotanapology, www.thebodyisnotanapology.com
- The Fat Nutritionist, @fatnutritionist, www.fatnutritionist.com
- Jess Baker - The Militant Baker, @themilitantbaker, www.themilitantbaker.com
- Julie Dillion, @foodpeacedietitian, Podcast: Love, Food
- Recovery Warriors, @recovrywarriors
- The Body Positive, @thebodypositive
- Ericka Hart, @ihartericka
- Jessica Vanderleahy, @jessicavanderleahy, @projectwomankind
- Isabel Foxen Duke, @isabelfoxenduke
- Be Nourished, @benourishedpdx
- Curvy Yoga, @curvyyoga
- Bo Stanley, @bostanley
- Body Image Movement, @bodyimagemovement
- Style Like U, www.youtube.com/user/stylelikeu, The What’s Underneath Project
- Health at Every Size Therapists and Nutritionists (for professionals)
- Health at Every Size (OK for clients)
- Dietitians Unplugged
- Life. Unrestricted
- The Love, Food Podcast by Julie Duffy Dillon
- Food Psych
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