Research Opportunities

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  • **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee** Are you a clinician or researcher specialising in eating disorders? Researchers from Flinders University are interested in your opinions on the 'transdiagnostic targets' for (1) ...

  • **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee** We are conducting this study in order to develop a questionnaire that measures eating and feeding disorders in children and teens. Our goal with this questionnaire is to be able ...

  • **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee** Dear colleagues, Researchers at the University of Montana are recruiting for a study on pediatric eating disorder (ED) treatment. Eligible participants for this study ...

  • **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee** Dear AED colleagues, Our team at Massachusetts General Hospital would like to let you know about an exciting new study that we've recently had funded by NIMH (1R61MH129331), in ...

  • **This post was approved by the AED Online & Social Media Committee** Thank you for your interest in our study! We are recruiting clinicians and health care professionals that have some past or present training or experience diagnosing ...

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